cpm-e ministries

Here is a list of some of the topics we can offer your church or organization. Click on a category to the right. Weekend seminars can be tailored to any sort of combination of topics that your church is interested in.
Please note that titles denoted with an asterix (*) are subject to the availability of particular presenters working with cpm-e.

| cpm-e topics - purity |

(P1) Autentic Worship | our process of purity - If you want to take your church's worship up a notch, it must start with the individual. Authentic worship culminates in a life of purity. This session looks at the different types of purity God calls us to and just how much importance he places on these areas. We will also touch on the importance of accountability. What that looks like and how it is helpful to keep a team united and on the right track.
(P2) Passionate Pursuit of Purity | dealing with the discconect bewteen where we are going and where we are now - A journey through the Bible to look at purity from a theological persepctive, with respect to our God, our calling, our living, and our promise. Dealiing with the front line battle of our thoughts and our mind will also be discussed here, as well as pratical advice on the journey.
(P3) The Purity Pandemic | dealing with disaster in our post modern world - An "in your face" look at where we are in the world when it comes to purity, and why it has become such a sturggle. We are living in a time where purity in our church, our schools, and our familes is a hugeproblem. Umtil we start to talk about it, we are never going to be able to fix it. It's time to stand up and fight back.

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